Units and Dimensions of a Few Derived Quantities

Units and Dimensions of a Few Derived Quantities

Physical Quantity Unit Dimensional Formula
Displacement m M0L1T0
Area m2 M0L2T0
Volume m3 M0L3T0
Velocity ms-1 M0L1T-1
Acceleration ms-2 M0L1T-2
Density Kg m-3 M1L-3T0
Momentum Kg ms-1 M1L1T-1
Work/Energy/Heat Joule (or) Kg m2/sec2 M1L2T-2
Power Watt (W) (or) Joule/sec M1L2T-3
Angular Velocity rad s-1 M0L0T-1
Angular Acceleration rad s-2 M0L0T-2
Moment of Inertia Kg m2 M1L2T0
Force Newton (or) Kg m/sec2 M1L1T-2
Pressure Newton/m (or) Kg m-1/sec2 M1L-1T-2
Impulse Newton sec (or) Kg m/sec M1L1T-1
Inertia Kg m2 M1L2T0
Electric Current Ampere (or) C/sec QT-1
Resistance/Impedance Ohm (or) Kg m2/sec C2 ML2T-1Q-2
EMF/Voltage/Potential Volt (or) Kg m2/sec2 C ML2T-2Q-1
Permeability henry/m (or) Kg m/C2 MLQ-2
Permittivity Farad/m (or) sec2C2/Kgm3 T2Q2M-1L-3
Frequency Hertz (or) sec-1 T-1
Wavelength m L1

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